How to Reply to a Post

Reply to a Topic in General

To reply to the topic in general , use the “Reply” button at the very bottom of the topic:

Reply to a Post

To reply to a specific person or post , use the “Reply” button on their post:
Screen Shot 2022-01-18 at 11.47.50 PM

To quote a post in your reply

  1. Select the text in a post that you wish to quote.
  2. Click the “Quote” button that appears above the text.
  3. To make multiple quotes in your post, simply repeat steps 1 and 2.

Reply with a New Topic

You can start a new topic that is linked to an existing topic. This allows you to start a separate thread of conversation that provides an easy link between both the original topic and your new topic. Follow these steps:

  1. Start a new reply to an existing topic.
  2. Click the arrow button in the top left corner of the editor (#1 in the image below)
  3. Select “Reply as linked topic” (#2 in the image below)

Mentioning Users

To notify someone about your post, mention their name. Type @ to begin selecting a username, then select their name.


To use standard Emoji, just type : to match by name, or use the traditional smileys ;). If you are on a mobile device, you can also use emojis as you normally would in text messages.