... you've redecorated!

Hi, I’m Shemembast. I joined the temple in 2001, and left in 2012 because there was a different path I needed to walk for a while. But along with my spouse Sesha, I have felt the pull to peek back in. I wrote a few Kemetic songs back in the day, and I’m hoping to possibly finish those I left incomplete, and maybe even write some new ones.

I’m looking forward to getting (re)acquainted with everyone!


2001 gang represent! I peek in occasionally and what are the chances it’s the same day you post!

Hope you and Sesha are well 🩷


em hotep and welcome back!

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Em hotep and welcome back, Shemembast!

(You left a little before I came in (in 2014)!


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Welcome back Shemem!

It’s always a pleasure to see someone return, hope you enjoy exploring the new spaces!

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Em hotep, and welcome back!

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Em hotep,

Welcome back to you and Sesha!


Rev. Tatuayinepu

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