i just wanted to say hi, I am back for now. I became a kemetic pagan about 20 years ago and joined House of Netjer as a Shemsu. The long-time members might remember me as Ma’a-en-HetHert or Ma’en … I am pronouncing it as “Mu’an-Haht-Hor” nowadays, in a more Late Egyptian (attempted) approximation.
I have been a solitary practitioner, and I don’t do a lot of regular devotinal practices, I’m more of a casual pagan I guess. I celebrate New Years, though, and keep my Akhu shrine in good condition and supplied with offerings.
But now and then I feel a bit lonely and I’d like to talk to someone to whom I don’t have to explain the ‘What is polytheism’ and ‘what is Kemetic paganism’ .first, so I decided to do something about it and come back here.
I’m happy to see some familiar names and excited to get to know the new folks.
I’m always glad to see another of Mamma Hathor’s kids return! (I too find Mamma prefers “Hah-thor” as a pronunciation.) I don’t know if I’d be ‘new’ to you, I entered the House in 2014.
This forum is quieter, but the Discord forum is a bit busier.
Like Neheh mentioned, the discord has more activity then the forums currently. There is also an ongoing process to make some pretty big changes in the temple starting two years ago, so if you need a crash course in all that, feel free to ask
Crash course sounds good, actually… but I’d be happy about some links or advice to whatever i should be reading up on and reviewing,
I saw there’s Newsletters, should i be reading those?
And I have some friends and groups on Discord but I keep getting lost in Channels, rooms and chat functions on that platform. Is there some kind of a “Discord for Dummies” introduction?
The newsletters are the monthly information: temple board minutes, dua schedule, other special events, etc. It’s a good place to start, but it’s not the same as person to person interactions
I don’t know of a good “discord for dummies”, when I joined Discord for the first time I just had to learn it as I went, not the best way, to be perfectly honest! I’m sure there are youtube videos on what to do, I just haven’t taken the time to search for such things yet. But the most important thing you are already doing, ask questions!
I also find the Discord overwhelming at times, though useful and good community. It helps sometimes to mute channels that you’re not as interested in, at least at first.