Returning to the House

Em hotep, all!

I took a much needed break from my involvement in the House earlier this year to focus on mental health struggles I was working through, as well as some spiritual seeking. I’ve recently felt the pull to return home and pick up my practices again.

I’m currently waiting for my Discord access to be restored, so I figured I would post here in the meantime.

Senebty all :black_heart:


Em Hotep and welcome back <3

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Em hotep and welcome back!

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Em hotep and welcome back, Utjesyinepu!

Senebty! :green_heart:

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em hotep and welcome back

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Em hotep and welcome back!

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Em hotep and welcome back! :heart:

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Welcome back!

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Thank you all so much! I feel so relieved and grateful to be home again. I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone again!


Em hotep and welcome back!

Welcome back sib!

Em hotep and welcome back!

Welcome back, may you find peace and joy in everything you do here!

Lovely to meet you

Em hotep and welcome back !

Em hotep and welcome back! <3