Returning to share devotional work

Em hotep!

I am Djehutyendy, or Endy for short. I first joined the House almost two decades ago and have been active to varying degrees over this time. I was originally divined a child of Djehuty and beloved of Hethert, but Geb was added on as a Beloved a couple years later.

I left the house in early 2020 (right before the pandemic) for various reasons. Oof that was a rough year and I immediately missed this community. I maintained an active ritual practice for a time but the lack of community kind of made my ritual practice fall apart, outside of the occasional offering here or there. However my love for the Netjeru never waned.

Anyway, I have recently decided to get into soap making and have been reading about this craft for over a month. During this time, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about soaps that I eventually want to make for the Netjeru or how I could make ritually pure soap (old habits die hard for thinking about ritual purity :upside_down_face:). Thinking about all of this reminded me of this community and how creative so many people are in their devotional work, or even just creative for their own hobbies. I miss seeing this all and being inspired by the beautiful and creative minds of Kemetics. So, I find myself here again. I don’t necessarily have plans to became ritually active at this moment therefore I don’t know how active I will be in this temple again. But I wanted to write this “Introduction” post so I am not just a creepy lurker :slightly_smiling_face:

I also got into knitting about a year ago. Weirdly I have not thought about knitting anything for the Netjeru, but I am beginning to get ideas. Although my list of things to knit is outrageously long so we will see where that goes!

Lastly, I noticed my profile picture is the same that I had when I was previously active. This was my sweet Phoenix who passed in March 2023 due to cancer. She was my soul cat and my heart still aches for her. It was a nice surprise to see her face when I logged in, so I will be keeping this profile picture. Now we have two cats, a gray one named Miss Betty and a tortie named Glow (the blanket Miss Betty is on is one of the first things I knit).



Hey, a familiar name! :slight_smile: I just came back myself a few weeks ago.

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Welcome back Endy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Can’t wait to see your creations!

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Welcome back Endy :blush: your cats are adorable and looking forward to seeing your creations

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Em hotep and welcome back Endy!

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Welcome back Endy!

A lot has been changing since you were last here, so if you need help understanding the changes, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Also, as someone who lost his kitty of 14 years to cancer during the pandemic…I know your pain, and F cancer…

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Welcome back, Endy! You’ve been missed. The discord forum is much more lively than here, should you be curious to peek in.

I look forward to seeing photos of your creations.


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Great to have you back!

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Em hotep and welcome back! I’ve also gotten into knitting, and have a long list of things I want to do, heh


Endy!! It’s so good to see you!! :purple_heart:

What lovely pictures of your kitties! Regardless of whether you become active again or not here, it’s always wonderful to see you and whatever it is you decide to share, whenever you decide to share it!! And that blanket Miss Betty is on is lovely, you did a wonderful job on that!


Em hotep!

It made my day seeing you had come back around! You were missed when you left, and yes, that was a rough year.

I’m familiar with Miss Betty, but not Glow. Hello kitties! I also love the yarn you knitted the blanket with! I primarily crochet when I get into fiber arts, but am able to knit and I have a sewing machine that I’ve made a few things with. (I may well pick up the knitting needles again and make a blanket, it’s freezing here lol).

Wherever your practice takes you, we’re here, and really glad to see you.


Rev. Tatuayinepu

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