Returning slowly after being MIA

Em hotep all!

I’m slowly coming back into the HoN after not feeling connected or being able to practice since I went homeless in April of last year. Things have been very bumpy in my personal life but I’m very slowly getting back into it following feeling drawn back after the Aset Oracle of this year.

I’m Yinepuernu (Ernu for short), 20, it/he/they, chronically ill and AutiHD. Child of Yinepu-Wepwawet, Beloved of Nit-Nebthet-Sheshat, Amun and Bast-Mut.

Graduated in beginners class 58 in Feb 21, and divine and named a Shemsu on the same day in Oct 21.

Scary to be back but pleasure to get reaquainted with you all.



Welcome back! You haven’t been gone too long, but a lot is changing, as im sure you know :slight_smile: If you have questions, dont hesitate to reach out!

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Welcome back, Yinepuernu!

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Em hotep! Welcome back!

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