Returning from the void

Em Hotep, everyone! Henu

My name is Khentesh ib Em Sekhmet and I am a Swedish Shemsu, returning to the faith after having been lost in the void for some time due to unforeseen circumstances that left me spirituality paralysed.

I’m battling depression, generalised anxiety disorder and C-PTSD and have been struggling with these disorders for more than twenty years, but I am slowly trying to come back to life with the help of Netjer.

I was quite active here before, but I found myself spiralling into a debilitating void of depression and anxiety and was unable to resurface until now, but Netjer never left my heart and thoughts, and They still helped me, even though I could not see it.

I’m now 46 years old and I’ve been a Shemsu for about 15 years (if anyone remembers when I became a Shemsu, please let me know).

I enjoy pampering my cat, reading, cooking LCHF, playing Sims 3, writing fiction, creating art, watching movies and series and lying in the sun.

My mother Goddess is Sekhmet-Hethert and I’m beloved by Bast-Mut and Wesir.
Interestingly, these Netjeru were my favourites before the Parent and Beloved divinations.

I’m hoping to find my old friends here and make new acquaintances, and would love to know if there are any followers of the faith near me.
(I live in southern Sweden)

// Senebty


Welcome back, Kentesh!

Senebty :green_heart:

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Em hotep! Welcome back ^^

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em hotep and welcome back

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Hello, I’m new here, so I don’t know about you, but you seem like a strong person, this is great, I would love to be your support, welcome.

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Em Hotep and welcome back!

I don’t remember exactly when you became a shemsu, but I have vague recollections of a wave of Bast-Mutlings around that time, so that must be it :slight_smile:

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Em hotep! Welcome back!

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