Return after an absence

Em Hotep everyone

My name is Natacha and my kemetic name Sopdetmuti, short from Sopdet, and been in the House for more than 15 yeara now (RPD in 2007). Been away for long. Less active.

Hope to continue learning about Netjer, so as sharing with you all everytging we can.



Em hotep and welcome back!

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Em hotep! Welcome back!

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Em hotep and welcome back!
(I see we have a Mama in common!)



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Welcome back! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Em hotep and welcome back! :blush:

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Em hotep, and welcome back!! Glad to meet you

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Good to see you!

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Welcome home!

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Thank you everyone

I am happy to read your messages and to be among you. The HoN community has always been a peaceful and welcoming place for me.

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Welcome back and pleased to meet you!

Em Hotep Sopdet!!

Good to see you again. Welcome back :hugs:

Welcome back!

Thank you all for your messages

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Wow! 15 years!! Welcome! (Didnt realize this website was active for that long.)