
Hello everyone. I was a member a few years ago and i left, not really leaving all together. I still kept my email notifications and i still get the newsletter. I’m feeling an urge to get more involved in the Temple. I’m feeling a strong pull to Aset again. At the same time. I have strong Hindu beliefs as well. It can be quite confusing.



Welcome back!


Welcome back!

I hope you find more of what you are looking for this time around, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

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Welcome back!

Thank you and I may take you up on that. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Em hotep!
I have been gone for a while. While i was away, i managed to mobilize quite a big number of interested souls that appreciated the experience i went through during my beginners class. We have since established 4 prayer places. Each group conprise of 20+ members. I look forward to learning more and guiding the many yearning souls back here in Uganda.

Em hotep and welcome back :slight_smile:

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