My name is Brendan (my Shemsu name was/is Nakhtibitui) and I am currently located in the state of Oregon. I was a part of this wonderful community some years back but left for various personal reasons. I am here again wanting to reintroduce myself and hopefully reconnect with the House of Netjer and make some new friends along the way!
I’ve had a very rocky journey of self-discovery and identity has always been a difficult thing for me. I’ve explored many different faith traditions over the last few years but I have not as of yet fully committed to anything but instead am embracing the freedom to explore and learn. I’ve always kept this community and faith close to heart even after my leave and I believe I have been led back here for a reason.
I hold a B.A. in Linguistics from the University of Oregon (graduated in 2020) and currently work as a library clerk at my local library. I am an avid music fan, amateur musician (guitar primarily), language nerd, and horror buff! Feel free to reach out - I am open to meeting new friends and sharing my journey with you all!
Learning and self-discovery are always an important part of life, and it’s good to see you here again! If you have any questions (many things have changed/are changing since you were here last), ask them!
Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m excited to discover the reasons together! I’ve noticed I’m not alone in being away for a while and coming back which is encouraging for me.
Thank you Rev. Padjaiemweru! I am almost certain I’ll have questions along the way. Is there still an active Discord server for members? I’d love to join that again if so - it was a lovely space to interact with everyone!
I’m pretty open - it’s tough to pick favorites when I find there is something beautiful about all languages! I’d say right now my current obsessions are Dutch, Welsh, Norwegian, and Japanese (I took two years in college). I have an affinity for classical languages as well (1 year of Latin at university, self-study in Classical and Koine Greek and slowly getting back into Middle Egyptian).
Japanese is a great language, my wife knows sone, it seems fascinating.
But Middle Egyptian is my favorite, of course
And I am trying to brush up on my Arabic, I like that as well.
I would love to learn ancient Greek some day, I know a few words and the alphabet, but nothing on the grammar. Et disci linguam latinam in ludo.
I actually don’t like Dutch, but I work for a Dutch company so I had to learn it (I can read a text and follow a conversation on a familiar topic, but I don’t actively speak it much) how did you come across Dutch? It’s a bit of an unusual choice
I believe that some things always happen to contribute to our journey.
I would like to work in a library too, I would read and eat all the books like a devourer.
Currently I can speak Portuguese and Spanish fluently, but I also know Latin, French and English.
Stay well, Mr. Horror Fan.
I took a few terms of Arabic during my undergraduate studies as well and my instructor was from Egypt - very kind and encouraging! I’m happy to help with Greek in any capacity I am able.
Dutch for me started when I was fairly young and found Ome Henk (full disclosure - it isn’t definitely not for children and can be pretty adult-oriented/vulgar) and from there I engaged more with other music artists and media from the Netherlands and fell in love! They are very direct people but my understanding is that they are also very warm and welcoming if you can break down that barrier so to speak!
Thank you for your comment! I would love to improve my Portuguese and Spanish. May I ask if you speak Brazilian Portuguese or Portuguese from Portugal? I am not familiar enough to know if there are major grammatical differences but I know there are certainly pronunciation differences! Working for the library is such a blessing. I never go to work without feeling incredibly fortunate, despite the struggles we are having with funding.
Thank you for your welcome! I am glad to know the Discord is still active! At what point would I be able to join again? Is there a link available through the forums, or would I need a personal invite from a current member?
Em hotep and welcome back! I see we share a Father
And yay linguistics/language nerd! I wish I knew more about linguistics but I have too many interests to juggle already, alas. Besides English, I speak (Brazilian) Portuguese (my first language), a rusty Spanish, und nur ein bisschen Deutsch. I also know a surprising amount of Greek vocab due to my Biology degrees and my interest in Hellenic religion
It’s cool that you got a B.A. from UO! I’m currently studying there. Guitar is also an excellent instrument, it’s awesome that you play.
I definitely can relate to struggles regarding self-discovery, and I hope that your journey here brings you satisfaction and a sense of knowledge and direction. That’s part of why I’m here, too.
I see that you’ve got some experience in Arabic and Spanish - I’m studying Arabic at the moment, though I just began taking classes in the language. I’m more familiar with Spanish, but I’m also trying to improve it!
How has library work been treating you? I’ve always been curious to work in a library.
I can relate to rocky self discovery journeys, mine has been similar to peeling back layers of an onion. Although difficult, this journey has been easier with Netjer and a supportive community.
I occasionally do drumming with a small drum and work the rattles when the mood strikes me. Big respect for guitar playing, I could never get the hang of it!