Em Hotep,
I was wondering if anyone could help me find or knew any prayers, songs or other offerings to Khonsu?
Hope you’re all doing well.
Em Hotep,
I was wondering if anyone could help me find or knew any prayers, songs or other offerings to Khonsu?
Hope you’re all doing well.
Here’s a little song/hymn I wrote that had Khonsu vibes, and thus I’ve dedicated it to Him!
I did a bit of checking and I found a few bits and pieces from ancient times. Perhaps some of it resonates with you or could serve as an inspiration?
For example, here’s an oracle decree from Late Period Thebes (21.-23rd Dynasty) - that could be nicely adjusted into a prayer. The text goes:
Spoken has Iunit, who is in the southern Heliopolis
Spoken has Montu, who is on the high seat
Spoken has Khonsu, who is in the souther Heliopolis:
“We will protect N.N. , whose mother is N.N., our servant and our creation
We will protect her from any snake that passes by
We will keep her healthy in her flesh and in her bones
We will open her mouth so she will eat
We will open her mouth so she will drink
She shall eat so that she may live
she shall drink so that she may be healthy
We will make her dreams into something that is good
and any visions that another shall see for her will be something good likewise.”
And here’s some titles of Khonsu that you can use to address Him:
Nefer-Hotep (the perfectly peaceful one)
The one existing in youth
On the High Seat
The Sharp one
Who slaughters the lords
The great one who emerged out of Nun
The one who presents the Udjat
The one who makes plans
“The arms of Khonsu are around you two times, with life and with eternal existence”
(from the Bood of Day, coffin of Peftjauemawiaset, 26th Dyn)
“You walk on this way,
that Khonsu leads you and that the Gods in their chapels show you
and on this way you receive jubilation from Those that are in the great Barque”
(Tomb of Padihor-resnet, 26th Dyn)
If anyone needs the exact source texts, they can be found in the TLA:
Thank you both! I appreciate these very much and will give the source texts a look when I have a moment but they’ve definitely served as both wonderful reference and inspiration.
These are beautiful
I like to use the TLA as a full-text search to check for texts on certain topics. It’s not quite what the database was built for, I think… But it works quite well