People's names


This may seem a bit funky–but I’ve noticed people’s usernames/names aligning with Afro-asiatic languages? I thought it was really interesting and was wondering the process behind it, or if I should have screen-named something specifically? I’m not quite sure.

Honestly, I’m just super curious and am feeling slightly “I want to belong”. Any insight, correction or acknowledge is great :blush:

Em hotep Hayley, and welcome!

The names that people use here come from many sources and reasons. Many of the Kemetic names that you are seeing have been given to individuals by Netjer, either through divination, dreams, or other sources. My name, for instance, was given to me by Netjer through divination, and translates as “Provided for by the Great Ones”. Before I was given that name, I used my legal name on the forums. Other people use nicknames or handles that they have used online for years. There is no wrong or right way to do it, as long as you are respectful to others :slight_smile: