New Years Events

When do the events start and where can I find information on them

These are the Epagomenal days, and what Deity is born which day, and a link to the Aset Oracles:

Monday, July 31 - Wesir’s Day (aka Osiris)
Tuesday, August 1 - Heru-wer’s Day (aka Horus the Elder)
Wednesday, August 2 - Set’s Day
Thursday, August 3 - Aset’s Day (aka Isis)
Friday, August 4 - Nebthet’s Day (aka Nephthys)
Saturday, August 5 - Wep Ronpet (beginning of the new Kemetic year)

Check this website for the new year’s Aset Oracle:

Meanwhile, there are links to Aset Oracles of the previous years at this link.

Senebty! (Be well!)

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Em Hotep!!! We are coming up on the NEW YEAR soon (both in Egypt and in the Northern Latitudes). I have been CLEANING my alters, preparing for my week long festival at home. Having my cardboard coffin to put Wesir in to “Symbolize his going to the Underworld and his Murder”. All my stuff. What are you doing for the K.O new year in your neck of the Woods…Anything? This seems a very quiet place as of late. No New Years Parties?