New Here

Em Hotep, and Hello. My name is Jessilynn. I am seeking information about the Kemetic religion. My wife is Kemetic herself… she refuses to teach me as she said "Your spiritual journey is your own. Which I agree with all the way. So this is the start to my spiritual journey.

If someone could point me in the right direction. I see myself as some one who would worship multiple deities to acknowledge more than one exist for the elements, cosmos, and so forth.

I feel more traditionalist and someone who likes the roots of the faith, and would really like to get to know this religion as a whole and embrace it body and soul.

Any ideas where to start?


Em hotep and welcome! Love your username!

If you haven’t already, I would recommend signing up for the next Beginners Class. The current Class has juuust finished, and looks like the next class will start around April/May time.

Other than that, browsing around the forum and asking questions is always a great way to go!

I hope you enjoy your time here,


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Thanks for the comment on my Username I love bunnies

I cannot afford classes >__< Nor would I imagine I have the time. I am going to be taking Groomers classes to be a dog groomer around April (its an 800 hour course- and KINDA expensive)

Are the classes no charge for those who wish to learn? If not, how much do they cost

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Ah, good luck with your courses! Dog grooming sure sounds like an interesting career.

The Beginners Class is free, and consists of ten lessons that are a short PDF over email, and an hour-long chat (the lesson chat takes place on both Sunday and the following Wednesday that covers the same lesson, so to cover different timezones - but no worries if you can’t make any because the chat long is soon emailed out).

I hope that helped to clear things up, apologies again for missing of that info the first time around!


Em Hotep Jessilynn,

Welcome indeed! Like Temimensenu said, the beginner’s course is a great way to start learning about Kemetic Orthodoxy. It lasts about 3 months, involves the 10 lessons and corresponding chats (with logs of every chat sent out afterwards), and very importantly, is free! Each lesson also comes with suggested reading lists for further diving into the subjects, but no one is required to do so.

The forums are also a great way to learn (I spent over a year on the forums before taking the beginner’s course way back when I first came here). Asking questions (both on the forums and in the course) are not only allowed, but encouraged :smiley:

Again, welcome, and I hope you have an amazing time here!

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As I stated my wife is also Kemetic, and the dirty was sitting in my room the whole time. Auset mother of Horous. And she stands for nurturing and motherhood.

I am going to pray to her and ask if I may be her follower.

Em hotep and welcome, Jessilynn!

Enjoy your explorations!

Senebty! (Be well!)

Hi Booplesnoot,

I’m brand new here too. I just signed up for the beginners’ course. It’s free so I figure there’s nothing to lose and lots to gain.

I wish you all the best in embarking on your work with the goddess Aset/Isis. :slight_smile:

Welcome! I recently began receiving interaction from Thrice Great Aset as well. For me She is full of joy and dancing and focused on easing things along. I’m happy to meet you!

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Em hotep and welcome!

Em hotep and welcome,
Over time you will meet multiple deities. Some will be more important than others. But all Netjer is open to you.