Em hotep,
Me and my friend, Merytsekhmet who is remetj in HoN (she’s in the forum board too), we are also active in the French-speaking kemetic community (called netjeriste in France). A few days ago, a topic was launched with French-speaking Kemites (netjerists) on the Neferu Khepri group about tolerance. And after reflection, we thought that this subject could also be interesting to share with you, our brothers and sisters of faith, to know your points of view and your experiences as kemetic like us. We think that as practitioners of Ma’at, we probably have a lot in common on the subject.
Here are the questions we asked to open the debate on the French-speaking side. How do you define tolerance? Is tolerance limited to the religious domain or is it present in other areas of life? Do we put it into practice in our daily lives? Is it simple? Is it difficult? What are the limits of tolerance according to you? What can we design together to promote this value?
Thank you for your participation
I will also post my answers here in a few days.
Senebty - Have a nice day