
Dear Karin (Kajsa),

I just heard that you had died. It grieves me because for a long time we were good friends, pals and working companions. You were not very old, only 65, and I feel that some sickness must have hit you. You leave your daughter behind, and I´m happy that you got her, I remember her so well from the time she was a slip of a girl. We had some good time back then.

It´s many years since we met last time, and so often have I wondered what befell you. We tried to keep contact, but drifted apart, I think because Life sometimes is like a stream which brings you along in different swirls with different paces. I know you always worked hard, you were a dedicated archaeologist and I know that you made some very good contributions to the prehistoric and Medieval time periods here in Sweden.

Once we went to Marocco together, and another time you travelled through Pakistan and India - alone. You were brave and you loved Life. You were curious and wanted to know. I admired you so much when I was young and your influence on me and my choice of studies was impossible to put value on. If we hadn´t lost contact, I know that we would have travelled much more together.

Dear Karin (Kajsa), your departure makes me sad but teaches me to remember to stay in contact better. All too soon we can lose each other. We never know. There never may be a tomorrow.

I pray for you to have a safe passage and a glorious Rising in the Beautiful West. May you live for millions and millions of years.

Your friend Kate