Joan Hurlbert

Grandma, I just wanted to let you know that everyone in the family misses you. I remember coming over to your house when I was young and playing on your Commodore 64, to this day I still have fond memories of the system and of you teaching me basic BASIC. I also remember the time I came to your house scared out of my wits because a strange car was following me and you were the closest relative at the time, we watched CSI together and then I gave you a hug and said I love you and then went back on my way.

Mom usually speaks fondly of you, and sometimes cries remembering you. She told me that she thinks the reason you didn’t dote on me as much as Jeremy was because I looked too much like grandpa,I’m not sure if you didn’t dote on me as much but if it’s true I don’t hold any resentment I always look back on our time together fondly, especially watching the cartoon version of The Hobbit.

Anyway grandma, I know you are at peace and the family misses you so never forget that. We will never forget you and you will never truly die because of that.