
Em hotep!

I thought I had made one of these already, but I guess not.

My name is Shuweri-itui, though you can call me Shuweri or even my mundane name of Alex. I use he/him pronouns. I’m 31, and I’ve been Kemetic Orthodox for 2 or 3 years now. Time is fake. I’m a rarity in that I was only culturally Christian before becoming Kemetic, but looking back on it, I’ve been called by Set my entire life.

I live in the Midwest of the US with my long-term partner, who is disabled. We have two cats, named Viola and Olivia and way, way too many plants. You see, when I’m not doing my day job of teaching high school students English, I like to garden, grow houseplants, annoy my cats, collect books with the goal of one day reading them, and listen to podcasts.

I am also a passionate advocate for justice for all people. I work every day to be anti-racist, feminist, pro sex work, abolish prisons and the police, and liberate fat people. I will not hesitate to call you out, but only if I think you’re worth the energy of learning how we can live in a better world.

I also have a tendency to blather on. Oops…


Nice to meet you! I love blathering!