Im just curious if anyone has more ways they connect with their netjer. (If you are comfortable with sharing)
I personally have made spotify playlists dedicated towards Heru-sa-aset
I meditate every morning for like 10-15 minutes
I wear a bunch of jewelry like rings, necklaces, and bracelets
I just don’t know if there is anything else that i could try.
It sounds like you are already taking good steps toward connecting with Heru-sa-Aset!
Other things you could do include giving offerings to Him, sitting and chatting, and reverting the offerings as you “hang out” in His presence.
I find He enjoys cookies with nuts and chocolate, coffee, tea, and mildly spicy things, from me as offerings I give Him myself.
Offerings of other activities are fun too! I lift weights, and I dedicate that to Him as well as Montu!
Em Hotep! I can only describe what I do for my patron dieties: Sobek, Seshat, Imhotep and Set. I am fortunate enough to have a “Safe Step” Tub (Whirlpool health tub) which is also a secondary Altar for Sobek (Lord of Waters, he of Great Green Wisdom)…I have special lighting and electric candles as well as a large statue of Sobek. I go through my litany of devotions to him, Imhotep, Set and Seshat and then ritually bathe and clean myself…Sobek LOVES to play in the water so I am often “swimming about” the Safe Step for about an hour. After that, I will light incense in the upstairs altar and settle down to mediate with my Netjer. I ALWAYS start with THANKING each Netjeru for ALL blessings and always gratitude! (Even if I had a crappy day! My “isfet” may just be a message from Lord Set!!! and may be ma’at in disguise!). For me, the “Formula” has always been: Bring an OFFERING and always “Positive and Good intentions” towards your god(s), then the ceremonial offering (Bread, beer, meat, honey, etc). I also make sure I have my MUSICAL playlist going on our large screen TV (Duduk music or whatever music moves YOU, personally to envision the gods!!! I have a Reggae song, Sobek ADORES and insists I play for Him regularly!!!)… This is only for me, and only because I am comfortable in doing these things. Yesterday we celebrated (In the Northern Hemisphere, in the US, the “Pre-New Year” of Sopdet returning next month…A.E “New Year”) so there was a chant and ceremony for that. I do NOT repeat old coffin or pyramid texts as they do NOT concern me or these times I live in, however my prayers are similar. Always for my “ancestors” in the Duat to be at peace, for the Gods wills’ to be done through me, and ALWAYS thankfulness and GRATITUDE and respect towards them. Hope this helps. I am a 60 yr old Wbt Priestess.