Hi I'm New!! Em Hotep.

Hello everyone, my name is Melike, I am Turkish and I have been interested in ancient Egypt since I was little. Kemetism caught my attention and I decided to believe in it. I reached out to Ms. Tamara and she directed me to this site. What should I do to be accepted to Kemetism and can I get training on Kemetism Orthodoxy? (I apologize if my English is not good.) If anyone wants to meet me, you can send me a message🙏🏻


Em Hotep Melike

Your first step here is already complete, make an account and start learning and interacting with people. Welcome!

The next step, if you desire to take it, is to take part in a beginner’s course, where you learn the basics of our temple, who we are, how we worship, that sort of thing. The next course is starting soon, and I believe the application cutoff date has already passed, so the next one after this upcomming one would likely be in 2025.

In the mean time, continue asking questions, learning from posts here, and ask the gods to be part of your life :smiley:

Em hotep and welcome, Melike!

Enjoy your explorations

Senebty! (Be well!)

This was very sad, I really wanted to join the course, I have a question, when I was signing up, it asked for my parent god and my beloved god, I couldn’t quite understand what this meant.

Thank you my friend!!

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I understand it can be frustrating to wait for the course, but the gods aren’t going anywhere, and neither is the temple. I myself spent almost a year reading the forums and talking to people before I took the beginner’s course.

In ancient times, there was a god (or gods) over the village, town, city you were born in, and They were a part of your life in a unique way. We in modern times don’t have that connection (almost all of us are converts from other religious beliefs), and thus a ritual was created with Netjer’s help called the Rite of Parent Divination. This ritual asked Netjer to acknowledge a similar (but different) type of connection which we call Parent(s) and Beloved(s). For example, my Parents are Bast-Mut and Heru-wer, They are Who stepped forward during that ritual, claimed me as Their son, and are a focus of my worship of all of Netjer.

With recent changes to the structure of our temple (our founder stepped down from the role of Nisut last year), the Rite of Parent Divination had to be stopped. We are working on alternatives to the ritual, as it was very meaningful to many members (myself included), and filled a number of aspects of our religious expression. It is, by no means, the only way to have meaningful relationships with our gods, and some people come into our temple with well established relationships already, some of whom also use the same terminology of Parents and Beloveds.

It’s a long and complicated topic, but hopefully that gives you some help in understanding :slight_smile:

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Hello thank you I have many questions for you because I am very curious, how do I choose my parent god and my beloved god? do i choose them by my own will? and how do I worship/pray the gods and is it enough to worship the gods to be accepted to kemetism?

Welcome Melike!

In regards to parents and beloveds, I think they choose you and they let you know after you’ve spent some time with them.

There’s lots of different ways to worship and they’re all pretty much good. Prayer, acts of devotion, offerings of food and drink or incense or flowers, stuff like that. Rev Ma’atnofret has a series on YouTube called Kemetic Chapel that’s nice to watch/pray along with. I think the channel is Tea Garden spirituality. There are some rites that are specific to KO that you’ll learn from the beginners class but you definitely don’t have to be doing them to be Kemetic.


I understand the way to worship, but I still don’t understand how to choose my parent god. Can you explain a little more, thank you so much.

The official rite that determined your Parent (note, not you choosing Them, it was Them acknowledging a relationship that already existed, whether you were aware of it or not) is being reworked and reconfigured. There is currently no substitute ritual for the Rite of Parent Divination.

We just had a temple-wide survey about this ritual, and the overwhelming response from members is that they want something similar to replace the old ritual, and that they want the priesthood to work on that. We are, but it will take time (potentially years) before the temple is ready to continue in that path.

Parent god(s) are not the only way to interact with Netjer, so feel welcome to create and have relationships with any of our multitude of gods! I myself have a relationship with Nefertem, for instance, that I have been slowly building for many years. He didn’t show up in my Rite of Parent Divination, but the relationship is just as real.


Since I was little I felt very close to Isis and Anubis for some reason, can I see them as my parent gods?

Em Hotep Melike and welcome!

Since the rite of Parent Divination has been discontinued (for lack of a better description), sadly no new member can decide their parent God/s.

It is up to the God/s to tell the one who will be in charge of the divinations that they claim you as their child and beloved, but as there is no current replacement for the ritual as of yet, there is no way to know who your parents and beloveds might be.

What you can do is to view your favourite Gods as close personal guides or foster parents until such time there is a replacement ritual in place.

Hope this helps.

Hugs from Khentesh ib Em Sekhmet

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Thanks for your reply, I couldn’t write because I was busy. :pray:t2: