hi, i'm josiah!!

trans, enby, and he/they. gonna be 27 years old this june 22nd. I’m an American who lives in Texas, so I’m in the CST time-zone. i only feel safe to use my preferred name and pronouns online at the moment, btw.

i don’t know what else to say except that I’m super-hyped to begin on my journey here with y’all.

bast is bestest lol tho i’m also interested in bast-mut.

i consider myself a witch-druid, and polytheistic animist.

i was introduced to this all by Lore/Charias who hopefully will join in on KO with me like they were originally planning to eventually. they’re a good friend of mine and a wonderful artist, but their mental health has taken a dive this year so far and i’m worried about them…

anyway! thanks for reading. i also have an active tumblr blog whose URL is “witchberries,” if you’re interested.


Em hotep and welcome Josiah! I think I recognise you from the daemon circles we inhabit (Lune of Seiros). Really cool to see folks from other circles here too. I hope your journey is a fruitful one ^^

Em hotep and welcome, Josiah!

Enjoy your explorations


Em hotep and welcome!

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Em hotep, Josiah, and a warm welcome. May you find bright days ahead here. :slightly_smiling_face:

thanks everyone who’s replied so far!! i really appreciate y’all

hi Lune i didn’t know you were here lol what a nice surprise


Heya, Josiah! Welcome!
Bast is a lovely Lady, as is Bast-Mut!

Glad to have you! :3

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em hotep and welcome!

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Em hotep and welcome!

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Em hotep and welcome! <3

Em hotep and welcome from a fellow Houstonian! wave Yay, more House people in the city! :smile:

Omg! We should totes meetup sometime!! Thanks for greeting me! <3

:smiley: No problem hon. Trying to be a little more active in the city for the House stuff.

Hi Josiah,
It’s lovely to meet you! I think I’m going to be on the next beginners’ course with you. I will go find you on Tumblr! I post loads of Kemetic stuff. My handle is Black Rainbow. I work with Khons and Amun-Min at the moment. :slight_smile:

Em hotep Josiah and welcome,
My mothers are Bast, and Hethert-Mut, although there are far more Bast-Mutling kids than Hethert-Mut kids.