Hello from London


I’ve just signed up for the beginners’ course and am feeling pretty positive, having explored the main website. I have an academic background in Egyptology and, when I first started learning about it, I was immediately drawn spiritually to the gods. But I have always kept that side of my life totally private.

I really want to find a community in which I feel comfortable talking openly about my faith. I had a dream, years ago, that felt more real than real, of the moon god, Khons/Khonsu, so I’ve always felt protected by him.

I now work as a funeral minister and teach Egyptology and it’s interesting how many of my students are interested in the spiritual side. I hope that, as I chat here, I’ll get more confident at talking to them about the spiritual (instead of just the academic) side.

Anyway, it’s lovely to meet you all. Life prosperity health!


Em hotep and welcome!

I look forward to seeing you in the Beginners Class, and hope you find it both informative and interesting!


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Em hotep and welcome, Djedra!

Enjoy your explorations!

Senebty! (Be well)

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Em hotep and welcome!

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Em Hotep Djedra!

The current beginner’s course is wrapping up right now, so it will be a little while before the next one starts, but in the meantime, look around the forums and kemet.org and enjoy learning as much as you want to! I hope you enjoy learning :slight_smile:

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Em hotep! Welcome!

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Thank you for all the replies! :slight_smile:

Where is the best place to start for developing a daily practice?

I used to light incense twice a day. But recently my cat was diagnosed with asthma, so for now, I’m not allowed candles or incense :frowning:

Nice to meet you all!


Offerings can be as straightforward as cool water (and LED candles can be a wonderful substitute for ‘flame’ candles) and spending time in Their presence. Even some of your food goes down well, since They enjoy it when you offer Them something you enjoy to eat - share a meal!

In example, I often share my fruit tea with Bast, and my meditation with both Bast and Sobek (well, I leave the invitation open for either every time!).

Nice to meet you too!



I like finding a time of day to pray, if one has a routine of any sort. One thing I particularly like is “Breakfast with Bast”. I make my coffee and breakfast, sit down, say a prayer of offering, then eat while spending time in Her presence.


Em Hotep Djedra,
I just finished the beginners course, and can say it is a wonderful time. Myself I pray and offer water and bread to the Netjeru, at times I ask them for support when things are tough at office or such. As mentioned I’m just a beginner but I have found a home away from home here. Much welcome to our select circle :pray:


Em hotep,
As another Beginner who also just finished the Beginner’s Course, I can reiterate Skei’s words that it was a wonderful time. I often find myself wishing those Netjeru I have statues of on my personal shrine a “good morning” when I see them before sitting down at my desk to start up my computer in the morning. I also do this with my ancestors as a way to keep them always with me through the day, or at least in the back of my mind. I’ll find myself offering the Netjeru a bit of chocolate or some of my meal or tea when the spirit moves me to do so throughout my day, or whatever They request of me.
Being here with other like minded individuals has been a very uplifting experience that I believe you will enjoy, too. Welcome.
Sheelah LyssaRae


Thank you :slight_smile:
Apologies for the delay in my reply. I’ve been on a month’s holiday, so hopefully coming back with a fresh mind.
I often chat to my gods. I was travelling around India and it was lovely to see all the fresh flowers they leave for their gods, so I am hoping to incorporate that into my daily ritual.
I can’t wait to start the course!


Em hotep and welcome. I don’t really have a daily routine.

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I’m Senneferet, based in Buckinghamshire. I used to be a funeral arranger and memorial stone consultant before I got ill. My degree was in Ancient History and Archaeology, so we have very similar backgrounds! :smile: I’ve lurked on here using a couple of accounts since around 2007, took the beginners class in 2021/2022.



That’s so cool :slight_smile: Yeah, I love my work. Nice to meet you

Just poking in because after trawling the forums realised I also worked in funeral care, though had to leave due to illness unfortunately. I’ve always hoped when I got better could go back to it, but unfortunately few jobs come up in industry.

I’m also Bucks based so nice to see Kemetic people so close to home :slight_smile:


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Wow!! Maybe in another life I will accomplish as much as you.

Hi there!

I also came to Kemeticism via academia/Egyptology.
Actually, I got drawn in when I was 19 and my father took me on a trip to Egypt, and I saw all those hieroglyphs on the walls and I had this deep curiosity to know what they say.
And when I came back from Egypt, I joined the course “Middle Egyptian I” at my university halfway through the semester, and person teaching the course happened to be Professor J.F. Quack, and the rest is history.

I also never told anyone at uni about my spiritual connection. Perhaps that is a thing that can change in future? I mean, there’s lots of Christians who have academic degrees in Bible studies and Church history and Christian theology and sich, and openly combining personal faith and academic studies doesn’t seem to be an issue for them…
What do you think?




Em hotep,
Late reply but honestly I think how open you keep your faith is a personal question, plenty of people of more widely accepted faiths arn’t loud about it and some want to share, just like some of us prefer our personal lives to be personal and some are open books. I know it’s kind of a wishy-washy answer in some regards so apologies for that, but I think that how openly we share our faith comes down to you.


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