Hello from Canada 🇨🇦

Em hotep!

Hello everyone! I am very excited to be here. I’ve been studying and practicing Kemeticism for about 3 years now, but wanted to join the beginners class to get a better sense of structure surrounding the KO religion. I felt called here by Bastet when speaking with her at her altar one morning, and so here I am.

You can call me Euphraxia (you-frr-asia) or Lexi.(honestly anything else you can remember is totally fine too). I love playing Sims, doing meditation, studying astrophysics and software development.

I am tuning in from Canada for this beginners course and am super excited to meet everyone!


Welcome Euphraxia!

I’ve been to Canada twice, does that count? :smiley:

Bast is one of the biggest “bringers” to the temple, She brought me as well (many, many years ago).

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Haha so glad you’ve visited before!! Hope you enjoyed it here!

I love that Bast could bring so many of us here :blush::raised_hands:t2:

Em hotep and welcome!

Bast brought me here too, years ago, and when I wander too far She always brings me back. I always picture that She carries me by the scruff of my neck as one of Her kittens :joy_cat:

I hope you enjoy the Beginners class!



Hello! Euphraxia. Nice to meet you :black_heart: I like to play The Sims 3 on Xbox and The Sims 4 on the computer, I also love astrophysics and I specialized in programming (like Java, Python and these things). I would like to go to Canada just to eat pancakes with sauce, send me by mail please :3


Nice to see you here!
Astrophysics and Software development sounds super impressive to me… so how did you come across Kemetic religion, if I may ask?




Hi, I’m on the beginners course too. Just waiting for everything to start! Great to meet you!

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Em hotep and welcom, Lexi!

Enjoy your explorations!


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Haha I love that imagery!! I feel the same way when it comes to her pulling me back in.


Oh wow! We have so much in common Lily! I mainly specialize in JavaScript and Angular. I just started learning python.

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Thank you!! I came across the religion through some friends actually. I always loved ancient egyptian history and mythology, I just never knew there was a practice that still existed until she showed me.

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I like Python, but sometimes I hate it because it’s C language. My father is a mechatronics engineer, he’s creating a robot with Raspberry Pi and Python. One day I’ll send you a photo. I started learning on Udemy courses, I hope it can help you.

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Em hotep and welcome! It’s always nice to have new people from Canada - I’m in Nova Scotia!

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Em hotep Lexi! I also love that imagery - firm, but so maternal. I often feel ‘grabbed’ but not in a foreboding way, but in a ‘you will pay attention now!’ way.
I am in the American upper Midwest - hope you stay warm as the air gets crisper!
Wonderful to meet you - look forward to learning with you in the Beginners class!


Yes! Maybe in the discord you can share! :smiley:

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