Hello from Australia

Em Hotep,

I’ve been interested in connecting/worshipping Netjer for over 20 years. I did briefly visit this Temple when my firstborn was a baby but the time was never right for me to join. I was born and raised Catholic but connected to Isis in Her guise of Theotokos/Queen of Heaven and “hid” in Catholicism cause it was easy and I was a coward. Lately Sekhmet and Bes have stepped forward and I am really enjoying learning what I can about Them.

I hope to participate more frequently, and even join at a later stage.


Edited to add - I see that we register with Discord. Is there a Discord server we can join or is that for Temple members only?


Em hotep and welcome! I believe you can get access to the Discord server after finishing the beginner class - which doesn’t require officially “joining” the temple

em hotep and welcome

Em hotep and welcome!


Em Hotep, and welcome back!

Discord access is limited to members and those taking the beginner’s course. As Setjezusenu mentioned, the course is a no-commitment opportunity to learn about our temple and our beliefs. If you wish to become a member afterwards, that is when you can do so, but again, no requirement to join after. In the meantime, there is plenty to learn on the forums here!

Rev Padajiemweru

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