I’m Amanda. I live in NYC and I’m a psychiatric nurse for kids. I also do theater and ride horses. I found Nut when I was looking at more general neopaganism resources and I felt really strongly connected. In learning about her I found House of Netjer, so here I am.
I applied for the next beginners class but I don’t know how anything works!!
Thanks for the welcome! Of course you can ask. I found Her name while looking for deities associated with the air element. She sounded really cool so I did further research and got sucked down a rabbit hole. The more I read the more I felt connected. I love Her gentleness and being able to look up and see Her right there. I love Her universality and how welcoming She is. The night I started reading about Her I was woken up by the loudest thunder I ever heard. I thought it was demolition. I thought maybe that was Her voice, so I began praying to Her and making a playlist for Her and doing things I thought She’d like and I just feel very close and nurtured by Her. She makes me feel little in a good way. I find Her to be maternal and even sort of playful. This is a long response, but anyway that’s what happened. Thanks for asking.
I’m an oldie here, so there were no forums when I started. Not even a beginners class. I got emails from Hemet directly. So many of us have a different experiences. For me, I’d always loved Ancient Egypt. I met one of the priests in an online (text) game and we became friends. I got interested when he talked about his priesthood and connected with the House of Netjer. I didn’t have any real personal practice with the Kemetic netjeru until then.
The fact that this is a religion and not a faith is something that attracted me. There is no book I have to believe. I do the rituals and rites, but how the theology works for me is my business. I love that we have no list of what we have to believe because we’re all different.
Em hotep!
Welcome!! I hope you enjoy the class!!
There’s plenty of folks who are close to Nut (and variants of Her!) here, so I’m sure you’ll have plenty of folks to talk with!!