Em hotep!
I am very new to Kemeticism and happily stumbled my way to House of Netjer this summer. Like many others, I found myself in a very dark place during the pandemic, and an energy/presence/power presented itself to me. For what must have been a few years, I reflected on this experience, researched, and eventually was led to HoN and the beginners course.
I have always felt a pull to pagan/Wicca ideas, and hope that the Beginners class will provide structure to a good space to explore and learn how to navigate this new relationship with deity. I’m especially looking forward to making connections with other practitioners. I have been reading through the kemet.org resources, reading/listening to Red Earth, Black Earth, Scott Lewis’ Egyptian Mythology, and just starting Wilkinson’s Symbol & Magic for background.
I have not been involved in organized worship of any kind in the past, so I ask for patience and forgiveness for any unintentional faux pas!
Hope all is well - it is lovely to meet everyone in this virtual space!
Em hotep and welcome, NaNa!
I hope you enjoy the beginners class!
Similar to you, I was never a part of organised religion before I found the House 
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Thank you Temi! Looking forward to working with everyone - thank you for all your work. Organized structure always put me off, but I appreciate the tone set by HoN.
And don’t worry, I’m not good with organized religion either and been wandering in and out of the community for 20 years, and they haven’t chased me off yet.
It’s great if you decide to stay and be part of the structure and volunteer for some organizational role - that’s the only way that the House of Netjer can exist.
But if you decide, after your beginner’s course, to just stay on the fringes and mostly do your own thing, that’s totally an option.
So you don’t have to commit to being a permanent part of a structured group. But it can still be great to have that focus point and meeting place in your life.
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Em Hotep Nana, and welcome!
You will find, I expect, that if you try to do good, and be respectful of others, you will be fine here. Yes, we have some things that are highly structured, and we let you know how to do it. None of us are here from birth, we all have our journeys, and we all have to learn.
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Em hotep and welcome, Nana!
Enjoy your explorations here!
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