Original Goal: $1,642.58 /$1,500
Budget Work Group Additional: $1,117.38
Actual Before Budget Group: $1,382.62/$1,500 After Budget Group Donation: $2,500
Another month in the bag! Thank you so much to everyone who contributed this month! Donations from membership are what keeps the Temple alive.
Going forward, fundraising periods will run from the first to the last day of a month. These fundraising update announcements will also be changing in format and/or timing.
Regarding the “Budget Work Group,” an announcement from the Executive Board is coming soon with more details on this. The short version is that we are moving to a new donation model where one month’s donations are used to fund the Temple workings two months away. This was also referenced in the Monthly Newsletter provided by Shaseni.
¹ At Hemet’s request, $300 was advanced to her from the Chase account. The Amazon Smile money noted here was used, and the remainder was covered by the Zelle account.
² As previously mentioned in other announcements earlier in the month, Amazon Smile is going away for good. This is our last payout from this program.