Em hotep - I'm back

Em hotep, all,

I’m back. I hope some of you still remember me. I got lost in a lot of life stuff from 2020 until… now, really. I was in no position to properly practice, but once again the Netjeru have called me back. So here I am!

I’m Ushedimuti. My first account, it seems, got lost in the shuffle to the new forum. For those who don’t know or don’t recall, I am a Shemsu-Ankh, daughter of Sekhmet-Hethert and Mafdet.

I’m excited (and admittedly nervous) about being back here. I look forward to recconecting or meeting you all.



em hotep and welcome back!

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Hey! I missed you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Welcome back, Ushedi!

Senebty! :green_heart:

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Em hotep! Welcome back!

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Em hotep and welcome back Ushedimuti !


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Em hotep. I am new here too, I am a 60 yr old Grandma who practices K.O.