Em hotep! I am returning

Em Hotep! It’s been quite a while!
I was in the beginner course like two years ago or so? I don’t quite remember when, but the point is that I fell out of the classes due to timing, and drifted away from here due to life circumstances taking a turn for the worse. I’ve been in a much better place for a while, and kept postponing my return, but here I am now!

So although this isn’t my first introduction, I would like to say Em Hotep once more, and say that I am looking forward to being a member of the community.


Welcome! It’s nice to meet you. The beginners class is definitely a good place to start!

Em hotep and welcome!

Enjoy your explorations!

Senebty (Be well!),

em hotep and welcome!

Welcome Shanura! I hope you are ready to learn a ton! There is much to learn on the forums here, and of course, feel free to ask any questions you have :slight_smile:

Em hotep and welcome!

I am new here too
Can’t wait to start the course

Em Hotep and welcome! :heart:
