Em Hotep from FL

Hello! I have been a practicing Kemetic for almost 2 years now (though I have loved AE since I was 12 years old). Since the beginning of my spiritual journey, I have been drawn to worship Sekhmet, Sobek, Bastet and Renutenet - however if I feel called by another Netjeru I will gladly perform a senut in their honor. I have been looking forward to joining a Kemetic community for some time now and I am very excited to connect with others, learn more about the Netjeru and Maat.

I am also very interested to learn about the Netjeru and dreams. Since I created my temple and have done rituals for the Netjeru I have seen them in my dreams (in their animal forms) as silent and massive awe-inspiring beings. I am very curious to learn more about this - if anyone has any reading suggestions I would be very grateful!

Happy to be here - thank you!



Em hotep and welcome! I don’t do a lot with dreams personally, but I’m sure there are others here who do :slight_smile:


Em hotep and welcome!

I hope you enjoy your time here!



Em hotep and welcome!


Welcome! I hope you like it here

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Em hotep and welcome!

I’ve had a couple dreams of the Netjeru (which were very special), but that is a very rare thing for me.


Em hotep!

We’re glad to have you join the community!
I can’t offer much re: dreams unfortunately, since the topic is hard to pin down scientifically, but I’m sure that folks who are better versed will have recommendations! They can definitely be powerful when the Netjeru show up in them, and like others I’ve had a few of my own dreams involving Netjer that stick with me even years later. Learning what may be meant by the dreams can be a fascinating journey, and I wish you much luck and discovery!

Senebty for now!

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Em Hotep and welcome!

In our beginner’s course you will get a list of many wonderful resources, some of which will deal with dreaming. I myself have dreams about Netjer, netjeri, and akhu on occasion, but it often takes me days (or longer) to figure out the meaning and whys of those dreams (other times I’m failing high school math for some reason, and sometimes a T-rex is chasing me, dreams are weird!)

We hope you have fun learning and exploring what we believe and do!

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waves in Floridian Em hotep and Welcome!


Thank you for your comment!

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Thank you so much!

That’s wonderful! Thank you for your comment!

Em Hotep! Welcome kn