Em Hotep and Thank you!

Hello! I am a 60 yr young woman in the USA on Palliative Care (long story and not for here) but I have ALWAYS had an interest and obsession with A.E. (I am an autistic Lady as well, so obsessions with me are a thing!) however, about 4 yeaers ago I was in coma in the hospital and I was “visited” by a warmth/light that I FELT to be Imhotep the Great Healers Essense guiding me towards the light of Ra where Imhotep instructed me “ALWAYS go towards the light, for it is Ra and will teach you healing. And you too shall be healed for now as well…Always go towards Ra”… I struggled through the fogginess of unconsciousness (It took weeks and when I left the hospital I was was only 98 lbs, on Tube feedings and barely alive)…At home, while recuperating I THREW myself into praising the A.E. Gods/Goddesses, and felt a true “Calling” towards the following: Sebek/Sobek (My patron god), Imhotep, (My guide/advisor) Seshat (She of the most Knowledgeable…The Modern Day “Hermione Granger!”) and even our very dark and phallic friend Set (in the shadows). All have a place on my Alter (as well as Anpu who guides my beloved Ancestors to their Field of Reeds) one side of the Alter has the cremains of my service dogs (5 of them). I have severe epilepsy, and autoimmune diseases and ehrler-danlos syndrome, so my service dogs ARE my lifeline to the world, even though I am married and have an adult son caretaker… Now in my last time on this Earth I enjoy communing with the gods and helping them work their heka and miracles upon the world (WHEN they wish! Always in the Netjers time!) :wink: Nice to meet ALL of you. I honestly do not know how long my journey will keep me visiting here, but I truly enjoy meeting others of a like mind, and it feels SAFE like home! Em Hotep to all:
Warmly, Jackie (A humble servant of Imhotep) PS: The Avatar is of my current Epilepsy Service Dog, maned…You guessed it. “Imhotep”.


Em hotep and welcome,
I hope you enjoy this journey with us for however long. Many blessings.

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Em hotep and welcome, Jackie!  Blessings to you in your explorations.

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Thank you…I forgot to add, one of the Reasons that the Great Sau Imhotep is one of my main dieties is that I used to be a veterinary tech, and come from a long line of Healers (my brother is an RN, my father was an MD). So helping/healing others is in my DNA…However, I am much more “archaic”…I am a medicinal GARDENER and often work with natural remedies. I ALWAYS encourage people to see their own Doctors and Sau’s, but I work with Veterans (I am a Veteran with Injuries and PTSD myself) and I grow many medicinal herbs and medicines for free for fellow injured Veterans. I LOVE chatting Gardening as well. That is all. Em Hotep.

Em hotep and welcome!

We are about to enter the days between the years next week, so you are coming in at an exciting and interesting time :slight_smile:

I hope you enjoy your time learning and interacting with us, and if you feel like it, we have a free beginner’s course to help teach some of the basics of who we are and what we as a temple believe. I don’t think the cutoff for the next class has happened yet, but it will soon. If you aren’t ready for that yet (or if you miss the cutoff date), don’t worry, there will be more! Here is the link - Membership | Kemet.org

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Em hotep and welcome to the community!

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Em hotep and welcome!

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