Em hotep and hello, it me :)


Wanted to drop in and say hi introduce myself, I’m Sol, new to the House but not the faith. I’ve been a solo practitioner for awhile now but am glad to have found others and am looking forward to learning more and joining the beginners class.

I’m not the best at introductions but will do my best haha.

I’m Sol, I’m from the UK and do various arts and crafty bits outside of devotional work. Looking forward to taking the oppurtunity to meet new people and apply myself more to the gods.

Was wondering if the discord was still access given when you get word from the beginners course? If so, no problem at all, just excited to say hey. Hope you’re all finding what you need in life.

Senebty <3


Em hotep and welcome, Sol. Always glad to see another UK inhabitant!

From what I can remember, the Discord has Beginner roles and their own channels. I also think it links to your Kemet.org account, but I could be mistaken - hopefully someone else who is more knowledgable on the server pops on by.

I hope you enjoy the class!


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Hello there!

Good to have another person from the same approximate time zone! ( I’m in Germany)

How long have you been a practitioner, if I may ask?

I don’t know if a beginner’s class is on the way anytime soon, but feel free to start topics and ask questions on the forum. It’s kinda quiet, since a lot of people are hanging out on Discord… Might be nice to get some discussions going



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Lovely to see people in the same timezone, will have to look into linking my account to discord and start a few topics here if anything occurs.

I’ve been interested as long as I can remember and a practioner for 12(ish) years, though it’s all been self taught/self learnt things so definitely still learning and picking up things along the way. Been really nice to stumble into the House and see so many that share the faith and the community that’s been built up.

Hopefully there’s a beginners class at some point in the future, definitely excited to join if there is but happy to wait, all things come in their time after all.

Thanks for the responses Mu’an and Temi I hope the days treating you both well ^^

Em hotep and welcome!

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Em Hotep and welcome!

The beginners courses are taught on a rolling basis depending on the availability of the volunteer teacher priests. We are just starting one now (registration cutoff for this current group was a few months back)), and the course takes 2-3 months. After that, the next course starts getting put together!

In the meantime, enjoy the access to people here on the forums, learn from our archives and information at kemet.org, and be patient :smiley:

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Thank you so much for your response Reverand Padjaiemweru, must admit I’ve been using Obsidian to put together notes based on what’s available on kemet.org and enjoying it. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

I’ll keep an eye out for the next one when it’s available :slight_smile:


Em hotep!! Looking forward to getting to meet you more in the beginners class!

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Em hotep,
Sorry for the delay in responses but looking forward to meeting people whenever the next class is, must admit life got in the way briefly but hope you’re doing well