Dreams and sights

It’s been 2 years since the last time i’ve been here, but now i had to get back because i had Anubis talking to me in a dream i couldn’t hear his voice he was so vivid, it was a period where i stopped commuting for a while and i was in a light depression state, i think he was telling me to keep going and don’t give up, during nightime the lighting in my room creates figures that resemble very much hieroglyphics. So i had to get back here, because they are telling me to follow this path.


Welcome back!

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Em hotep and welcome back!

Emotions make things difficult, but luckily our Akhu generally understand this and are willing to help us navigate the rough times, as does Netjer. It’s a good time to reach out the Akhu and Netjeru and ask for help when you feel the need.