Credibility to this Heru story?

Em hotep! I don’t believe I ever introduced myself here! I am Anthony. :slight_smile:
I heard in a discussion made by a religions YouTuber where he described an old belief that Heru’s eyes where the sun and moon respectively. I was curious where the belief might’ve stemmed from (or if it’s accurate at all). He just said it then moved on without further elaboration. I have never seen any other source associate Heru with the moon specifically, and the YouTuber usually gives direct citations for individual fact checking. Thanks so much in advance!

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Em hotep and welcome!

Yes, Heru-Wer’s eyes can be seen as the sun and the moon. I don’t remember where I first heard of the connection, but it’s something I’ve incorporated into my view of Heru-Wer personally. I checked for you in my copy of Wilkinson’s The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, and he says:

“Mythologically, the god was imagined as a celestial falcon whose right eye was the sun and left eye the moon. The speckled feathers of his breast were probably the stars and his wings the sky - with their downsweep producing the winds. It was in this form that Horus was apparently worshipped at some of Egypt’s earliest sites such as Hierakonopolis and in which Horus assimilated a number of other local falcon gods.”


I remember hearing that as well. I’ve also heard they are Nut’s eyes

Em hotep, Anthony!

Yes, this is correct! The oldest versions of the cult of Heru had Him as an abstract sky god, his left eye was the moon and his right eye is the sun, most forms of Heru have theses aspects incorporated into their cults, usually we have Heru-Wer (Heru, the Great) as the great abstract sky-Heru, but the Left Eye as the moon is very present in Heru-sa-Aset (Heru, the son of Aset) mythology. Set hurts His left eye and the cycles of the moon are defined by the hurting and healing of His Eye.
Heru is both a very solar and very Lunar God Himself! I made a translation myself from the hieroglyphs of an ancient Lunar hymn and Heru is mentioned a few times


