Beginner Course

I was wondering about the beginner’s course; I sent my application at the end of last year (November-ish), but didn’t hear anything about it, and after seeing that any applications received after December 1 (which mine wasn’t per the date of the confirmation email I received), sent another email to the questions email. I did receive the ‘We got your email’ back on the 13th of January, but have yet to hear anything back. I’m still really keen on joining so I just wanted to reach out on this to see if I could get any responses/answers.

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Em Hotep!

Your best bet would be to email Reverend Tanebet as she is the beginners class lead, she can be found at: [email protected]
This set of classes are currently ongoing, so you will likely be in the following intake.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out again if you need further help!


Em Hotep Hayley

I am not sure what happened to cause you to fall through the cracks, it might be a spam filter somewhere that is eating messages, but I second Snofrimuti’s advice to email Rev Tanebet.

The good news is that the gods aren’t going anywhere :smiley: They will still be here for all of us when we get this figured out!

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Em Hotep!

Per to both of your advice, I have reached out to Rev. Tanebet. Thank you for assisting!


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