Hi I am NefretSet and have been walking with Setesh for 3 years and 4 months now, but he has been with me my whole life and I didn’t recognize the signs, but I look back and there were many. I would like to have a more structured way of connecting with him, though. I really wish to dedicate myself to him so we can bring his wisdom more into the world. He can be very tough but is very loving and I want to be an example of his love in our world.
I was wondering when the next beginner class will be? I sent an email about it but it was only yesterday so haven’t heard back. I haven’t applied yet because I’m on my last day of thinking it over to be sure.
Thank you.
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Em Hotep NeferSet, the next beginner’s course will not take place until this fall, we are still working on figuring out a specific timeline for it, though. I hope you enjoy learning!
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Em hotep, and welcome, NefretSet! (I must confess, I’m quite partial to Set as well!)
Senebty (Be well!),
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Hey thanks for the replies. Be well.