Aset Oracle - Year 32

Aset Oracle
Oracle of Year 32
received at Aset Luminous
Year 31 IV Shomu 2 (July 1, 2024 CE)

I am Aset the Great of Magic, Elder Sister, Widow and Queen. I speak to you from My star, the star shining on the face of the waters, My light heralding the dawn of Ra’s birth and My tears the dawn of My beloved’s rebirth into Duat. At this Zep Tepi, which is also your Zep Tepi, I tell you that the waters are rising to replenish you.

The waters rise and the Beautifully Complete child, He of the lotus and lion, the son of Creation and Destruction, completes His moment, and with quiet kindness He pours the bounty of His healing over you as He closes His year. Accept His gift of coolness and calm in your time of heat and disorder and allow it to bring you comfort. When you need Him, you have only to go to the waters and ask. Like My other child He has not left you nor will He leave you in need.

The waters rise. The light that shines from within rises with them, and, swirling like a million stars and uncounted sunbeams sparkling upon the splashing waves of the holy lake, they part.

In majesty untold, power unbridled, in a great booming laughter with rows of flashing teeth in the spray, He rises from the waters in one swift motion to greet the dawn and be the dawn. He laughs as He rises from these sacred waters, carrying the souls of His beloved in His shining mouth as He emerges from the holy lake and the holy mountain of Bakhu.

Hail Sobek, greatly green, He Who is Ra, greatly gold. He is Sobek-Ra, the Pacified Rager. He is the Lord of the Lake, the holy protector, great and powerful, and He is your Lord for this new year that is nearly upon you.
He rises, and the waters rise, and with them you are made whole and new, shining and protected, laughing in the face of your danger and singing in the midst of your strife. He Who loves life, loves you, just as I love you, just as all of Us love you, now and then and again and always and forever. He rushes forth with the Inundation to drive away sickness, danger, isfet, all things upon which the ka can not live, and He replaces them with health and protection and Ma’at and all things eternally nourishing.

The waters rise, and you will rise with them if you choose to.

Rejoice that Sobek-Ra has not come to claim you as a prize of war, nor as food. He has come to stand beside you in your work, to join with those united to create the world again each and every day. He will grant you strength and courage as well as His wisdom if you ask. He will give you whatever you ask for. Be aware of what you say where He can hear it, and also be aware that He hears it all, even from the bottom of the lake in the darkest hour of the night. Do not ask Him to bring what you do not wish to have, neither in the seen world nor the Duat.

What you speak this year Becomes. There is no limit to this power, save what you place upon it in wisdom. I advise you to place limits. Not all things need be said, and not all things need Become at any given time or perhaps not at all. Ask Him first if you are uncertain. Call upon Sobek-Ra as protector or destroyer and know that this power is yours to hold or release. Be warned that you own the consequences of its use.

Create an amulet of green and gold cloth and keep it near you this year. When you hold it under the sun and speak to Him, He will hear you and answer. When you need His protection, use it to signal Him. If you need coolness or escape sprinkle it with water and ask to be hidden in His shadow. You will learn other uses of this heka as the year progresses. Share them with those you trust.

Observe His theophany the crocodile and learn His wisdom: using strength only when needed, and knowing when to move and when to be still. Observe His theophany the sun and learn His power: the light that creates life and death and marks the movements of djet. His wisdom and His power are seated on your heads like His two tall plumes, shining the way. Take them both and be blessed. Ma’at shines in these plumes as your birthright and your obligation. Honor Her this year, and She will multiply His blessings a million times.

This year will be what you make it. Choosing not to participate in its creation is also a choice: a choice that will unmake it and which will unleash the Rager in ways you may not appreciate. Every choice, every moment, every single droplet of the sacred water is holy. Use it well and know that it is not the single droplet that creates the waves of the lake, but untold numbers of them joining together to choose to live and to rise as the waters. The one who listens to these words and understands them will never be alone nor unsatisfied. May you Become, together, guided by great strength and fierce love.

A message from…
Bast-Mut, Nebet Isheru, of Nekhen Neferues her Isheru
“Cooperation is your greatest strength. Build it. Everyone has a part to play. Everyone has a chance to create something new and special, together. It’s going to take work, and it’s going to take all of you to put it together, piece by piece. You all can make the big change, and create what you want to see.”