Another old member returns

Em hotep!

I’m Sesha (Seshagemseger Ankhakaseshat), a returning member. Child of Seshat-Nit-Nebthet, beloved of Hethert and Serqet.

I was divined in 1998, and was the first to become a Shemsu-Ankh at the Wep Ronpet retreat in 2000. I served as a W’ab priest for 10 years and as an Imakhu for 9 (the priesthood roles were separate then). I left the temple in 2011 because I felt a personal need to do so; I wound up a bit adrift spiritually but have kept Seshat in my heart. Recently I restarted my old personal piety routines for Her.

To pay the bills, I’m a software engineer. But what I really love doing is making music (primarily electronic, in the general area of ambient & drone music), under the name “Starthief.” I was also a performing member of St. Louis Osuwa Taiko from 2010-2012. My first music release (under the name “Lotus Wire”) began as devotional instrumental music for the gods of the epagomenal days, and Netjer encouraged me to keep it going.

From a bit of looking around, I see there have been big changes in recent years. It’ll take me some time to catch up, so I may just be lurking for a while :slight_smile:


em hotep and welcome back

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Em Hotep! welcome back, i’m new here so nice to meet you sesha.

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Em Hotep!

I still often listen to your music to get in the zone, so it’s good to see you again!

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Em hotep and welcome back, Sesha!

You left before I came in 2014, so I’m relatively ‘new’.


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Em hotep, welcome back!

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Em hotep,

Welcome back!


Rev. Tatuayinepu

Welcome back!