About Me Presentation

Em Hotep.

Hello everyone! I hope you are at peace. I’m new to the community and I’m also attending the beginner’s course, I’m excited to get started. My name is Lily, but when I started studying Kemeticism and the Ancient Egyptian Religion a few years ago the name Heqat Neferut caught my attention… and it was the name by which the Gods first called me.

You can call me anyway, HeqatNeferut or Lily, to me sounds good. I’m from Brazil, I’m currently attending college and I dream of being a scientist. I really like to read, and sometimes I find myself thinking that Djehuty was right to create ways to put words into practice.

I love foxes (you can see it on my profile), I also like rock/metal and Brazilian popular music. I taught myself Latin and French. And my favorite gods are Sutekh and Het-heru, Heru-wer, Djehuty, Nebet-het, Reshef, Seshat and the sons of Heru.

Oh I read a lot, so if you want book recommendations you can tell me!

I will leave it attached, my jackal, which I have named “Imutef”. I leave him next to my bed. I was inspired by Duamutef.

I’m sorry if I wrote a lot, I’m excited. Senebty!


Welcome Heqat Neferut!

I too, love foxes. Many, many years ago I was in Chile for a World Scout Jamboree, and a dehydrated baby fox was found (it’s mother was found nearby, hit by a car). I got to help nurse it back to health, and a couple months later it was able to be released back into the wild! So foxes always have a special home in my heart :smiley:

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How kind of you! Very cute. I would like to have a fox, I would also like to be able to study them more (they have very good mechanisms and are full of sub-genres of species with different colors) or see them around here (where I live there is more chance of bumping into capybaras than foxes). I have always studied Asian mythologies because they have more connections with foxes, that’s when I discovered kitsunes! I’m dying to get a tattoo, and then my friend (who left) made me a drawing for me to tattoo in the future. A long time ago I dreamed about foxes when I was looking for my power animal, and I like her card in my oracle :fox_face: I would run with them in the forest.

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Em hotep and welcome, Lily!

I hope you enjoy the beginners class!


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Thanks, Temi :black_heart:

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Em hotep, Lily!

Set and Hathor are very dear to me as well! Enjoy your explorations here!

Senebty! (Be well!)

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Thank you! Hathor taught me how to win battles and Seth healed my previous child :black_heart: I’m grateful to them… and I’ve always loved the stories about both, from Hathor embodying Sekhmet’s fury as the Eye of Ra to even the contentions of Seth and Horus.

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Nice to meet you Lily!! :handshake:t3:

I love your statue!

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Thank you :black_heart: I’m glad you liked Imutef

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I hope you have fun here and looking forward to discussions and learning :slightly_smiling_face:
May I ask - how did you connect to Reshef? All the other deities you listed are fairly well known, but Reshef is usually only talked about in fairly specialized literature.
Did you find Him in connection to Sutekh, or what’s the story there (if you want to share)?


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Thank you for the welcome, Mu’an! :black_heart:

I’m actually a little anxious, I’ll love reading all the stuff on this site (even though I’m terrible at communicating, because I’m autistic). Reshef/Reshpu I ended up meeting him during a spell against astral attacks…and I became curious about him… I discovered that he is very similar to Seth, since before I started worshiping him I did extensive research…during the intermediate period before the common era, many gods with similarities to Seth were brought… Hekau Khaswt…I have a friend who works with the Canaanite and Phoenician pantheon and she told me many stories about him…he is very similar to Sobek, Seth & Shezmu.


Em hotep and welcome! I am also close to Hethert and Set! (And autistic - there are a number of us here!)

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Oh man we are scattered around here let’s form an autistic club, I also have anxiety disorder)… They were the ones who brought me… I remember when I meditated and ran into Hathor’s arms. I cried… Seth was proud of me, I walked alone for years and I feel like it’s my time :3


Em hotep Lily and thank you for sharing! You write a perfect amount :slightly_smiling_face: - I get a little long-winded when I write - but so many thoughts!
I would love some good book recommendations - I don’t get a lot of time to read so I tend to gravitate to short stories - Octavia Butler and Claire Vaye Watkins are two of my favorites.
An old, large fox ran across my path this fall - the first time I think I’ve seen one in person - just a flash of chestnut.
Recently, I also became really interested in Djehuty - I’m trying to let deities pull at me instead of pushing for connections - which is difficult when first starting!
Hope you are well - Senebty!


Thank You! I have a box of crayons and white paints that I left for Thoth on my altar. I always try to do readings or activities that involve logic like playing chess and bring his energy with me. Today I bought a new book, it’s about the Mexican Frida Kahlo. If you like the authors I mentioned, you’ll love The Handmaid’s Tale, Women Who Run with the Wolves, The Victorious, The Curse of the House of Flowers, Ariadne and Beyond the Ocean (when you have time read <3 they are similar books to the authors you mentioned, the same vibe). I also suffer with organization, but with my thoughts. I can write well, but I have problems with focus.

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