Em hotep all, both new and familiar~
It’s been… oh, I’d say about a year since I last haunted the House of Netjer.
I left somewhat quietly but abruptly around Wep Ronpet of last year. Very sudden and pressing circumstances that I wasn’t sure how to handle at the time. Still trying to regain my footing, admittedly, but I’m finding my way. But through it all, I’ve thought of the House of Netjer every day since, about my gods and about the people I’d come to know, and slowly, ever so slowly, I’m trying to creep back in to where I felt most at home.
For those who are new, hello! I am Taswau, and I look forward to getting to know you.
For those who knew me, hello once again, I’ve missed you so very, very much this year.
Senebty, and good journey to you.