I have been taking my time to look around this wonderful site and have decided that this is the place I belong.
I have been alone in our faith for far too long!
Therefore I have a few questions to ask.
1 even though I have many years of experience working with the Netjeru and in particular Aset, Wasir and Heru I have seen a number of people who have mentioned that I would need to take the beginners course to become a member.
This is something that I am more than willing to take, there must be order and balance otherwise chaos.
2 I was given my name Shepsetet by Aset 45 years ago however, I understand that there would be a naming ceremony at some point in the future. I am very attached to Shepsetet, would it be possible to retain my name?
3 I believe that there is a temple in London could you please advise me if it is still open?
I thank you in advance for your assistance in this.
Go in love and peace and may the Netjeru protect and guide you.
Shepsetet xx