House of Netjer Employees and Contacts

Organization Chart

Latest Revision: 23 May 2024

Staff Listing

Executive Board

General contact: [email protected]

Ankhetbast - [email protected] - Elected Member and Outreach Co-Director
Nebitbast - [email protected] - Elected Member, Moderators/Discord Liaison to the Board, and Outreach Co-Director
Rev. Neshnyt - [email protected] - Elected Member and Clergy Director
Shaseni - [email protected] - Elected Member and Board Secretary
Rev. Tanebetheru - [email protected] - Education Director and permanent member
Rev. Tatuayinepu - [email protected] - Elected Member and Treasurer
Rev. Dr. Tamara L. Siuda - [email protected] - Permanent member; acting Webmaster/IT director (temporary)
Rev. Arienihethert - [email protected] - Legal counsel and permanent non-voting member
Rev. Remenit - permanent member ON LOA

House of Netjer Temple

Rev. Dr. Tamara L. Siuda - [email protected] - Founder and spiritual leader, Nisut (1996-2023) and Nisut Emeritus/Priest of the King (August 2023 - present) [email protected]
Shaseni - [email protected] - Administrative Assistant

Kemetic Orthodox School

General contact: [email protected]

Rev. Tanebetheru - [email protected] - Education/School Director

Beginners Class

Rev. Shefytbast - Instructor ON LOA
Rev. Padjaiemweru - [email protected] Instructor
Temi - General Liaison
Sha’ersenu - Portuguese Language Liaison
HeryHeru - Portuguese Language Liaison
Lara/Khala - Italian Language Liaison

Kemetic Orthodox Religion

Rev. Dr. Tamara L. Siuda - [email protected] - Founder and spiritual leader, Nisut (1996-2023) and Nisut Emeritus/Priest of the King (August 2023 - present)

For a full list of clergy see below (W’abu) and/or:

General Questions & Support

General contact: [email protected]

Web & Forums Support

General contact: [email protected] (web team general responses)
Iau - [email protected] - Assistant Webmaster
Rev. Shu - [email protected] - Assistant Webmaster

Discord Administration

General contact: [email protected]
Rev. Tatuayinepu - [email protected] - Lead
Heruemustjen - [email protected]
Sesaiaset - [email protected]

Member Issues

To report violations of the House of Netjer bylaws, please contact [email protected]

W’abu (Priests)

General contact: [email protected]
Shrine and location information:

W’abu in service

Rev. Akhytsenu - [email protected] - W’ab of Tefnut and Ra-Heruakhety
Rev. Arienihethert - [email protected] - W’ab of Hethert-Mut
Rev. Ihhyensenu - [email protected] - W’ab of Sekhmet-Mut and Amun-Ra
Rev. Ma’atnofret - [email protected] - W’ab of Sekhmet-Hethert
Rev. Neferuhethert - [email protected] - W’ab of Hethert-Sekhmet
Rev. Neshnytyinepu - [email protected] - W’ab of Yinepu-Wepwawet
Rev. Padjaiemweru - [email protected] - W’ab of Bast-Mut and Heru-wer
Rev. Ra’awyserqet - [email protected] - W’ab of Serqet-Aset
Rev. Sehedjef - [email protected] - W’ab of Serqet-Aset & Nebthet-Nit-Seshat
Rev. Shezatwepwawet - [email protected] - W’ab of Wepwawet
Rev. Shukheperas’ankhi - [email protected] - W’ab of Khepera
Rev. Tamiwi - [email protected] - W’ab of Bast and Ra
Rev. Tanebetheru - [email protected] - W’ab of Heru-sa-Aset
Rev. Tatuayinepu - [email protected] - W’ab of Yinepu
Rev. Tawa’ubastmut - [email protected] - W’ab of Bast-Mut
Rev. Tjemsy - [email protected] - W’ab of Sekhmet-Hethert and Set

W’abu on Leave of Absence

Rev. Heruakhetymose (email off currently) - W’ab of Heruakhety
Rev. Ibi - [email protected] - W’ab of Hethert-Sekhmet
Rev. Rayashi - [email protected] - W’ab of Ra
Rev. Remenit - [email protected] - W’ab of Sekhmet-Hethert & Nit-Nebthet-Seshat
Rev. Shefytbast - [email protected] - W’ab of Bast


Shaseni - [email protected]
Snofrimuti - [email protected]

Regional Coordinators

Akhytsenu - [email protected] - Finland & EU


General contact: [email protected]


Rev. Arienihethert - [email protected]

New Members Liaisons

General contact: [email protected]

NebitBast - [email protected]
Sedjosrysekhmet - [email protected]


General contact: [email protected]

Forums & Discord

Rev. Tatuayinepu - [email protected] - Lead
A’anesemisekhmet - [email protected]
Asethepetwi - [email protected]
Heruemustjen - [email protected]
Khenmetemnut - [email protected]
Sesaiaset - [email protected]
Shaseni - [email protected]
Rev. Shukheperas’ankhi - [email protected]
Sobekemiakhu - [email protected]
Ta-idet - [email protected]
Zedjemwy - [email protected]